Our History
SMCS began as, and continues to be, an exciting ministry of Cooma Baptist Church (CBC).
In November 1994, CBC purchased the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority's Training School, as the church had outgrown its previous site. The buildings came with three acres of land, so the church began investigating the vision of a Christian school proposed by several church families. After many meetings and much prayer, SMCS opened its doors on 4th February 1997 with an initial enrolment of 15 students under the leadership of its first Principal, Mr Geoff Wainwright.
In February 1998 SMCS had 41 students in two classrooms and a second Snowy Hydro building arrived in May 1998 to accommodate the vision of Years 7 & 8.
With 90 students in 2004, another building arrived in July of that year from Fairburn RAAF Base, to accommodate Years 9 & 10.
These buildings have met the needs of the school since that time, with much additional refurbishment and landscaping including the building of the school's oval, cricket nets, water storage tanks, resurfacing and curbing of the car park, the building of the Multi-Purpose Hall and ongoing maintenance of the site, all accomplished with thousands of hours of volunteer labour, loans and Federal government grants, for which the school is very grateful.
“He who calls you is utterly faithful and He will finish what He has set out to do” (1Thessalonians 5:24).
At every step, SMCS has been blessed not only with physical buildings, but more importantly, with well-qualified and committed Christian staff members to meet the students' educational and pastoral needs, and committed Board members who have loved and served the school generously.
SMCS is a testament to God's faithfulness and the many ways He has answered prayer for the physical and spiritual needs of the school.
We look forward to what God is going to continue to do here as His story unfolds in the ministry and life of SMCS.